Sunday, July 15, 2012

eat much

I failed in the 2.5 update to mention Ian's eating habits or lack thereof.  To be all kinds of honest here I despise feeding him, now now lay off judging mothers I still feed him I just don't find joy in it.  I find mealtime to be all sorts of frustrating and irritateing and it turns into how many bribes can I try before I find the winning combo.  Dinner options consists of:
cheese pizza (which lately he's been pulling the cheese off of)
mac n' cheese paired with the any of the following often all 3: mixed veggies along with a pinky size of whatever meat we are eating that night and fries (often times sweet potato fries) 
Waffles or any breakfast item of the like.
 I know, I know such a wide variety to get you through 7 days worth of dinners. Yet, at the sitters he will consume chicken noodle soup (only took him a yr or longer to warm up to that meal), popcorn chicken, fish sticks, peanut butter and crackers, etc.  I know he is capable I guess I'm just not willing to host 5 toddlers every night for dinner so he will eat.  We all eat dinner together (aside from fire station nights) and for the most part on the nights we are altogether at least 2 meals a week we all eat the samething or parts of the samething. 

I will back track and start with breakfast which rotates between: waffles, pancakes, french toast sticks, and cereal all paired with a smoothie containing strawberries, banana, spinach and milk (and oatmeal when I remember). So I'd say we rock breakfast!

Lunch is again better than dinner but still a huge task to get him to eat. Usually consists of yogurt paired with any of the following: apples, grapes, carrots, PB&J (1st time was yesterday after not eating it at home since December), crackers, soft pretzel

Snack: depends on when he wakes from nap which is another thing I forgot to mention.  We still nap anywhere from 2.5-3.5hrs.  I'm thinking we may need to start cutting naptime a bit shorter as bedtime is not pretty.  So maybe I'll start with waking after 3hrs and see how that goes for bedtime.  Anyways snack if snack time is needed usually whatever is leftover from lunch is offered.

Needless to say our menu options are small.  When we do get him to try something (a pinky size protion) after trying is then totally done with eating and whats nothing to do with whatever is remaining on his plate even if it's something he really likes such as mac n' cheese.

Yes, he is growing and developing as he should so I guess I shouldn't be all that concerned it just annoys me. He knows it annoys so it's a power struggle, that I feel he is totally winning.  Heck, we had to resort to giving him the option of going to bed or trying ice cream, he finally caved and he LOVED it!  Score: Parents 1 vs Ian 1,000,000,000 We're getting there, right? to plan our meals for the week.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no judgement from this court! Currently Gooners eats egg rolls at least once a day! Getting her to eat is so tricky! I'm so tired of it! She used to be SUPER amazing at eating everything and now she will eat like 7 things. Oh dear. If you figure something out...let me know!
