Monday, September 10, 2012

Z House Funnies Edition 6

Now that talking occurs 14 out of the 24hrs Ian is awake we have a lot more funnies.

-Convo between Ian and I about dinner (he considers veggies to be mixed veggies that include: corn, carrots, and green beans. And well carrots are just that):
Me: Ian what would you like for dinner?
Ian: not veggies, just carrots.
Me: ok got it, no veggies just carrots!

-Backseat driver while on bike ride:
Ian said "be careful, car comin' momma!"

  • I knockin' on you- he literally has hand shaped in the knocking position and it literally knocking on us 
  • I laughin' on you- anytime he is laughing at us
  • I don't like it (said in the whinest of tones, before even trying whatever it is)
  • You say me- you tell me
  • I don't have big muscles- said when he can't do something or say a certain word

-While out bathroom rug shopping I laid a rug out to get a full view and was told "no, not my favorite mom"

-Ian set the table:

portion control taken to the next level and 1 spoon for all 3 of us

-At the sitter they were asking the kids what they wanted to be when they grew up.  Michele (the sitter) tossed out ideas and she said Ian looked at her with a quesical look and said "no, I Ian!".

-While Ian does his business on the potty I usually hear:
"wow big one, mom"
"tiny one, momma"
"I farted"
"I pushin' hard, mom"

Ian has started to dress himself and if I don't set clothes out the night before well we end up with outfits that look like this:

The shoes he has on he refers to as his work shoes


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