On September's to do list I added start potty training. I had no intentions of doing this but when a) your child has on frequent occasions been waking dry from naps from time to time and b) asks to go. I'm not one to pass up an opportunity. Now, I have yet to cancel my amazon diaper subscription and to save $30 every month and a half. He has gone pee 2 handful of times and has left a stinky and pee 1 handful + one finger of times, but hey whose counting? Oh yeah I am.
I don't push it, I ask him if he wants to go but he does better when he tells me he has to go in which my child is stripped down to just a shirt. He's gotta have not only pants completely off but also shoes and socks. He then sits on the potty for what seems to me as hours but it's just about 3 rounds of "head shoulders knees and toes", a dramatic reading of his Elmo book, another reading from his Richard Scarry First words book and finally Elmo's ABC's on the iPad. During this time he can produce nothing or something. I was going to give him a m&m but I usually forget after I have diapered and clothed him, cleaned his potty seat and washed my hands. But please don't fret we have a great potty party with high fives and woohoo's. Followed by texting Grammie (who is undergoing a possible name change), PaPa Jim and CiCi of the most recent potty production! *Note I would text Marcus but his job doesn't allow him to check his phone very often or ever. So, I just fill him if we talk at lunch and if not then when he gets home.
So there you have we have started the use of the potty and thanks to my good friend Mo we are using her son's training potty. Also, I'm all for convinence so if I need to make dinner and Ian has to go potty I'm not opposed to moving the potty into the kitchen area so I can get my multi-task skills on.
I LOVE having Gooner potty trained! It is so wonderful not to have to deal with diapers! You can do it!