I have always been active and for the past 7.5yrs (before I started working out at home I worked out at work which I then did on top of my at home workouts) I have worked out on my own 6-7x a week at home. I actually prefer this, I know not many people can handle working out at home but I guess it just doesn't bother me. Don't get me wrong I LOVE me a good class such as
Body Pump, D60X and C4 which for me locally can be found at
ICE gym in Mishawaka (they are under new management and therefore their name has changed and it's no longer ICE). What I like about these classes is that you are pushed to your MAX by not only the trainer but the people also in the class (I took these classes with my sister and well to say we are competitive is a little bit of an understatement, "Oh, I'm sorry the board says to do this with a 20lb kettlebell, we will do it with a 35lb kettlebell (I was cursing at her for making this decision for us but how else are you going to improve yourself if you don't push yourself or allow someone else to push you)". And by the end of the day you can feel the work you have done in your muscles and you get up the next morning to do it all over again. Last year for Christmas I received a gift certificate for ICE for 2 months and that was just what I needed to break up my at home workout routine before
1/2 marathon training season began.
This year I intend to run another 1/2 marathon, but since outside running conditions aren't in my favor for another 2mos I will start another round of
Insanity and also toss in some runs on the treadmill. I completed my first 9wks, 63 days of Insanity on Dec 30th and well if I'm doing it again I guess I liked it. I like the schedule even though I changed it up to meet my personal life schedule. I like that it's not the same workout every day, I like that no matter how many times in the 9wks you repeat a workout it's just as hard as the first day you did it. I did this along with a good friend of mine, no we didn't workout together (except once) we kept each other accountable and counted down the days together. I'm now going to be brave and really put myself out there and show my progress photos from day 1 to mid-way to day 63:/
This is my fit test worksheet which you do a fit test every 2wks.
Quite pleased with my progress |
During those 63 days I had a sinus infection, GI bug and an upper respiratory infection, yet I did not miss a single workout. I do not let things like that get in the way of improving myself, I may not preform as well or able to put 100% into it but I am moving and giving it my all at that time. I also don't I let holiday's, hosting people in my home, or vacations get in the way. Instead I workout on holiday's, invite our house guests to workout with me, and workout/run while on vacation. The one thing is when you're traveling running is a great way to explore the city you are visiting. I also always workout in the morning as soon as I get up. I don't even put my contacts in (my vision isn't all that bad). My thought on this is, is that if I don't do it in the morning an say I will do it later it becomes easier to push it further down on my list of to do's and it doesn't happen. I also don't like having to shower more than once a day because of a workout I failed to do when I woke up.
This past weekend I attended
Crossfit061 and I'm sore (I took the class on Saturday and today is Tuesday and I'm still sore)!!! This was not my first Crossfit workout as I have done some at home before. And like any workout I liked it, the budget just doesn't like it, seeing as though I have not paid for a gym membership in almost 10yrs and I have successfully worked out at home and I can't justify the expense.
With all the above said I will leave you with
•go outside your workout comfort zone, you may find something you like more than your current routine or something to add into your current routine!
•push yourself or allow yourself to be pushed by someone else
•make you a priority
•sign up for a local 5k and check out training programs such as couch to 5k (just google couch to 5k)
•keep moving
•don't stop improving yourself
•you don't stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing. Don't stop!!
Here is an at home workout that I do on a regular basis.
Repeat 3x (takes about 30min)
•10 push ups (start out on your knees or even wall push ups)
•20 crunches/sit ups
•25 squats (remember weight on your heels, toes should be able to wiggle and lift off the ground. Stick your butt out and knees in line with toes never past your toes)
•20 lunges (10 per leg)
•80 jumping jacks (do your best and over time you will improve)
•60 sec wall sit (take breaks if you need too until you can hold it for a full 60 sec$
Until next time (maybe even an Ian post)!