I can't beleive that we are 1 short month away from celebrating your 1st Birthday Buddy. For now we will focus of what you've been up too this past month.
-You are a boy on the MOVE now that you've figured out the whole crawling thing you're constantly GOING. You have also mastered pulling yourself up and walking along the furniture. The idea that we wouldn't be saying NO and instead be using other words instead flew out the window real quick. For now it will be no, be careful, take care, come here mister until you are at the age where you can understand.
-You don't seem to have gone through any seperation anxiety you easily go to others. We've only had a few instances where you haven't and I don't blame ya. You tend be shy while out in public, we were out this past weekend and you were a tight lipped not gonna smile baby as soon as we got to the car and I put you in your car seat you started laughing and smiling.
-You GRADUATED from your helmet and have a beautifully shaped head. We went back today for a check-up and you still have a perfectly shaped noggin. So aside from paying off your helmet we are done with Midwest Orthotics, they are a good family owned business.
-You had a rough week of eating but we got over that and your back to eating without issues. The dogs have learned to stay close during your meal/snack time. They are our Emergency Spill Team and always quick to respond.
-You experienced your 1st Thanksgiving. You slept through both dinners but you did get leftovers and you liked the turkey but not the stuffing (don't blame ya).
-You LOVE jumping, you will pull yourself up on the couch, us, the chair and will just jump. On my days off with you, you jump in your jumper while I work out. It works prefectly.
-You got your 1st boo-boo and if your anything like me you will get many more and have scars to go along with them.
-Starting to become a bit picky with your meals, applesauce and yogurt our the mask foods though which helps everything go down a bit smoother.
-sleeping hasn't improved too much, you need to work on putting yourself back to sleep and I need to work on letting you cry it out. It's hard!!
-You wear 6-12mos (I don't get the sizing what so ever) clothing and some 6-9mos stuff still.
-You have handled the combining of breast milk and formula very well. You will have that combo till about Christmas day then it will be formula and milk combo.
-you have 3.5 teeth, that you hate having cleaned. Aunt Jen came over and showed us how to clean those babies and needless to say she was not your favorite person. It's gotta be done though.

-You are a boy on the MOVE now that you've figured out the whole crawling thing you're constantly GOING. You have also mastered pulling yourself up and walking along the furniture. The idea that we wouldn't be saying NO and instead be using other words instead flew out the window real quick. For now it will be no, be careful, take care, come here mister until you are at the age where you can understand.
-You don't seem to have gone through any seperation anxiety you easily go to others. We've only had a few instances where you haven't and I don't blame ya. You tend be shy while out in public, we were out this past weekend and you were a tight lipped not gonna smile baby as soon as we got to the car and I put you in your car seat you started laughing and smiling.
-You GRADUATED from your helmet and have a beautifully shaped head. We went back today for a check-up and you still have a perfectly shaped noggin. So aside from paying off your helmet we are done with Midwest Orthotics, they are a good family owned business.
-You had a rough week of eating but we got over that and your back to eating without issues. The dogs have learned to stay close during your meal/snack time. They are our Emergency Spill Team and always quick to respond.
-You experienced your 1st Thanksgiving. You slept through both dinners but you did get leftovers and you liked the turkey but not the stuffing (don't blame ya).
-You LOVE jumping, you will pull yourself up on the couch, us, the chair and will just jump. On my days off with you, you jump in your jumper while I work out. It works prefectly.
-You got your 1st boo-boo and if your anything like me you will get many more and have scars to go along with them.
-Starting to become a bit picky with your meals, applesauce and yogurt our the mask foods though which helps everything go down a bit smoother.
-sleeping hasn't improved too much, you need to work on putting yourself back to sleep and I need to work on letting you cry it out. It's hard!!
-You wear 6-12mos (I don't get the sizing what so ever) clothing and some 6-9mos stuff still.
-You have handled the combining of breast milk and formula very well. You will have that combo till about Christmas day then it will be formula and milk combo.
-you have 3.5 teeth, that you hate having cleaned. Aunt Jen came over and showed us how to clean those babies and needless to say she was not your favorite person. It's gotta be done though.
My attempt to get his monthly pic:
As I said a boy on the move:
Could we make this anymore diffcult