Sunday, November 7, 2010


Kinda threw up in my mouth when I just typed the title of this here blog. We woke up yesterday morning to snow on the ground and on our cars it's here folks it's here. If you recall I did a whole post on what I love about fall and I could do a whole post about what I love about spring and summer too. But for some reason I can't do the same for winter. I can come up with a few good things like:

1) Ian's 1st Christmas
2) Ian's 1st Birthday (NOOOOO.....He can't be turning 1 yet)
3) Looking out the window and seeing the beautifulness that God has created covered in SNOW making it look even more beautiful.
4) our 1st family Christmas card...good golly help me though because Marcus has quite the production going on in his head of what it needs to be.
5) you don't have to shave everyday
6) bring on the comfy clothes and warm socks
7) baking and making dinner in the crock pot or a big pot of soup
8) yeah, got nothing

Now I'll mention a few things I dislike about winter.

1)wish I had remote start
2)my hands become constantly dry and cracked
3)I have a condition called raynaud's disease which is no fun. I have in my hands and feet. Last winter was not as bad because I had my internal heater on 24/7.
4)I'm constantly cold while a work and feel someone needs to design a little heater to go over the mouse for the computer (remember the above condition)
5) members at work complain that it's too warm in the club to workout and I then whip out my cold, white numb hand and say really?!?! SUCK IT AND SWEAT WOMAN. Okay not really that's just what I think and say when I walk away.

There they are what I'm looking forward too and what I'm looking forward too. Now, you can't say move south if you don't like it or want to get away from the coldness because my sister has the same condition and lives in FL and still suffers from it. Remember to drive safe and watch out for your fellow drivers who might not have gotten the memo that snow changes the way one needs to drive. Gotta wrap this up so I can sit indian style and then sit on my hands!!

Stay warm!!


  1. I sometimes pretend it's swim season w the hairy legs....okay not that extreme but I enjoy not shaving everyday. :)

  2. Hey shouldn't you add to your list of winter likes: Your bestest sister ever coming home to enjoy all of the coldness/snow?!

  3. We are expecting our first snow here in Colorado tomorrow {tear!}. I miss summer but I am getting a little excited for the holidays.

    p.s. I love that I don't have to shave every day too!
