Thursday, June 30, 2011

our new space

Alright so here it is what you all have been waiting for.
I'm currently sitting out by this:
We are totally not going in order but oh well.  You'll figure it out, I do beleive you are smart.


 Living room from front door:

view of living room from hallway

view from kitchen doorway:

let's take a trip down the hallway:

Ian has a hallway to run down now

where we will stop in to Ian's room shhh...sleeping Ian

all toys fit so nicely plus still room to play
and let's take a pit stop at the full bathroom where I already have paint color picked out:

And one of the things I'm most excited about is:

A laundry shoot, I'm in LOVE!  Although after I throw clothes down it I have to run downstairs to make sure they made in the basket.  Kinda defeats the purpose I know can you say OCD??

Onto bedroom #2 our decorating staging area:

Back into hallway to take a look at the master bedroom:

And another view of the master from the half bath:

And a view of the half bath:
View of half bath from other door:
Kitchen/dining area from half bath door:

Kitchen view from living room doorway:

 Dining area from kitchen:

Kitchen from dining area

 Pantry is too the left, fridge and last but least my fantastic green universal chef oven, I love that it is a built in:

door leads out to garage:

let's head downstairs:

Finished area:

bedroom #4 in basement:

Another view of bedroom 4:

Storage area of un-finished side

Laundry and utility area of un-finished side:

Back upstairs and let's head outside:

Pool area which needs some landscaping help (aka a lot of things REMOVED):
our yard is BIG

 View of back yard from corner of property:

So there you have it our new home, we have lots to do as far as appearance goes in the landscaping dept and interior.  I'm determined to wait to paint until we have everything we need to completely complete a room and I'm dead set on a color.  I have the tendency to change my mind A LOT!!!!


  1. Totally jealous of the pool and laundry shoot!!! My next house will have both! :)

  2. Had no idea you have a pool now...I'm coming over!!!!
