Monday, October 11, 2010

I need a xanax...

This weekend I have to leave my baby boy at home as I venture off to Chicago for about 30hrs (I will be counting down each hour until I'm back home). I have to go to a convention for work...not my idea of fun. Ian's care will fall into the capable hands of Marcus after I type out about 2 pages of "tips/suggestions" to get through those 30hrs. I kid, I kid he will do fine. Me on the other hand give me a xanax.

I remember when I got the email saying that I've been registered to attend I quickly scanned my brain in search of an excuse of why I couldn't go. Nothing good came to mind as I know how karma is and well it's a witch with a b. So, I must put on my big girl panties and count down each and every hour and on the way home I will be counting down each and every mile.

1 comment:

  1. I can virtual babysit if a break is needed;) It will be fine though!
