Monday, October 25, 2010


Blogger is being nutso and having issues uploading pictures. The pictures of our trip to the pumpkin patch and Ian in all his adorableness painting his pumpkin. So till they upload you'll have to deal with a pictureless, boring, random post. You're intrigued aren't you? If you close out right now I don't blame you one bit. If you are looking for something to keep yourself from working, doing laundry, house chores I'm sure you can find something way more entertaining than what is below. But if you insist then go on and read below but you were warned.

Honestly, there has been a whole lot of nothing new going on around here. Marcus has been working diligently on getting his jeep to become his daily driver. Which is one step closer to completing our plan. The fire academy is also going well, he comes home in a better mood after working and then going class till 10p then he does when he just goes to work. So between classes 2x a week and the jeep we have seen very little of each other. Our goal throughout the week is to simply make it through the week. Hoping for a date night sometime soon, it's been since our anniversary in August that we have gone out or actually done anything together just the 2 of us.

Bookworm: A friend had a brilliant idea to start a book club and when I told Marcus he offered to order me a pocket protector. But seriously I do enjoy reading and in the past my sister and I would read the same book just not at the same time. So while one of us has just finished the other is already onto another book and it makes it difficult to discuss. Book club makes discussing so much easier. Last month we read the book The Help which has been on the New York Best Sellers list for over a year, it's good. This month we are reading The Island which is also good. I'm trying to conserve the last 70pgs so I can finish closer to our next gathering next week. Yes, we do talk about the book but we also catch up on what has happened in the last month, about our kiddos over a few bottles of wine. And I can now indulge in some of that wine as well, so girls the challenge is out there. Will you convert me to a wine-o???

Chicago: if you recall I had to go to Chicago for work and that meant leaving my baby boy behind for the very first stinkin' time. I survived and only called 2x (once on Friday night and once on Saturday morning). On Saturday our convention got done a 1/2hr early and my boss gave me money so I could stop and get something to eat on my way home. I decided against stopping and headed straight towards the tollroad (which how can anyone navi-guess through Chicago without a GPS system?) so I could get home to my 2 favorite men. Ian ended up staying Friday night at my in-laws (Marcus was working on the Jeep). In my mind I pictured Ian's first night away from home with Marcus and I going out to dinner or getting take out, watching a movie and then sleeping IN. I guess we'll have to try that for another time, although that means we need to send the dogs away as well. Because well around 6:45 they start getting antsy and by 7 they are turning in circles in front of our bedroom door awaiting for someone to let them out and feed them. Which means sleep is disturb and that means sleeping in would not occur. We'll have to work something out and I'm sure we will.

Congrats, if you made it to this point then you have successfully wasted about 5min of your time. Thanks!!

1 comment:

  1. I was planning on finishing the book closer to our next meeting, too, but I finished it last night because I couldn't help myself! Can't wait to get together again - I'm ready to DEFINITELY turn you into a wino! Mmmm....

    Sorry you had to leave Ian to go to a work function - make sure next time it's for a fun date with your hubby ONLY!
