If you are ever in question if you should purchase something and you ask me the conversation will go like this:
you: do you think I should get this? It's on sale (includes picture of art work)
me: how much on sale
you: I think 59.99
me: GAH...remember you are talking to someone who is on a uber doober tight budget (thinking about wall decor is the fartherest thing from my mind)
you: I know but I think it would be something fun and I don't really have any wall decor it was $99.99
me: gah...I don't know if you want someone to say yes then ask mom
you: ha, I just sent it to her.
Yep, I very helpful what can I say. And I can pretty much guarantee my mom said yes and it will be hanging on a wall very soon at my sister's place.
Yep that's true, it's waiting to be hung!