Thank you all for the comments and advice, as I said willing to try anything. Some of you asked about his napping and I feel he is an excellent napper. He goes down for his 1st nap 2hrs after he wakes up and will take a 1-2hr nap and then usually 2hrs after he wakes from his morning nap he takes his 2nd nap which again is usually 2hrs long. He can sleep through anything (I was able to vaccum his room while he napped and he never even stirred....yes he was still breathing). I think maybe one of the issues is that when he's at the sitters he's on their routine where as when he is home with me or at my parents or in-laws he is on his own routine. Or maybe that has nothing to do it...
I quickly glanced at the babywhisperer forums but haven't gotten to dive into much yet. Not too worry I will keep you all posted!
Well it sounds like his napping is not the problem. Who knows??? Maybe it could even be teething. It seems like when Carter teeths, he's teething forever. But mostly, I think some babies/toddlers just go through those phases. Carter literally woke up every single night for like 6 weeks and that finally stopped. But he still wimpers every couple of nights and I usually just wait and see if he'll go back to sleep on his own. I feel for ya though, it's tough not being able to get your sleep. Super frustrating!! I know this may sound weird, but does he have any congestion at all? Carter has stayed sick for the last couple of months and putting Vicks on his feet and then covering his feet lets him sleep like a baby (no pun intended). Maybe try that??