When I was in labor I mentioned to our nurse that we wanted to donate Ian's umbilical cord. As I know of many children who have been given a 2nd or 3rd chance at life because someone donated their newborns cord. They were fighting for their lives as leukemia was taking over their bodies. Some even after transplant didn't make it but they were given more time to experience life.
She asked if I filled out the paperwork in which I was unsure if I had or not, I had told the nurses at my Dr's office that donations was the route we wanted to take and they made note of it. But I don't recall filling out any paperwork. Also remember today is 1/20 and I'm still supposed to be pregnant. Meaning back on 12/30 before 5:40(when my water broke) I thought I still had time. The nurse went to go check and came back and said we couldn't because the courrier wouldn't be in that day because it was New Year's Eve. At the time I said ok, I was in happy land and unsure if I could even write my name. Looking back though it upsets me that we had an opportunity to give hope to another family and because it was a holiday we couldn't. If you are pregnant I encourage you to look into donating your child's cord as it could change the life of someone else.
I still think that is the craziest thing EVER!!!