Monday, February 15, 2010

in my pocket

There is 1 thing that is in my pocket at all times and that would be this:

I don't dare leave the house or a room without it, if I have found myself without it I begin frantically looking for it and accusing others of taking it. When we first moved into our house we didn't have night stands therefore I did not have a place to keep my chapstick while I slept, so I did what anyone would do in my situation I slept with it in my pillow case. You see I wake up in the middle of the night to re-apply, not to pee or get to a drink but to reapply my chapstick. There was one night I couldn't find my chapstick, I looked all over under the bed, the nightstand, by the dogs, I even woke Marcus up asking him to move in case it somehow slipped into bed with us (he was not to thrilled) I then stayed awake until my lips had some relief. You see that was my last one until I got to the store to restock my supply, that left me using Vaseline I was desperate. My addiction and loyalty to my chapstick is very severe I will go to great lengths to get my hands on some chapstick when I'm without. During labor Marcus was the chapstick holder and I would press my lips together and he'd be right there with chapstick in hand re-applying it. Apparently my addiction is heredity as my Aunt J is also an addict, I'm unsure of the severity of her addiction but nonetheless she is an addict and isn't afraid to admit too. In fact just while writing this post which took about a 1/2hr (i fixed myself lunch, and answered phone calls) I have reapplied my chapstick approx. 8 times. I told you it was severe!!


  1. Sounds like a 12 step program is in your future...

  2. oh jay its bad and she ONLY accepts the chapstick that is black w/a certain color of writing, NOTHING else will do, NOTHING.

  3. i admitted to having a problem but i'm not ready to seek help.

  4. At least it is Chapstick....could be crack!
