Thursday, February 25, 2010


Do you ever have those moments that you simply speechless? Well I had one yesterday while talking to my sister. Let me set it up for you: I'm on a busy 4 lane road in the middle of the day. I start to approach the car in front of which was easy to do seeing as though it was traveling well below the speed limit. There are 2 people in the car and as I appraoch they decide to become all kissy face and I'm not talking a little peck I'm talking a full on lip locking session (while driving). I pass them and I'm now in front of them and in my rearview mirror I can see they are still lip locked. We are now coming up to a pretty good size intersection and the light turns red lovely. I look in my rearview mirror when all of sudden the passenger (a female) head goes down into the driver's (a male) lap. And that's when I went completely speechless. I of course was giving my sister the play by play which left us both speechless. The light turned green and of course they were slow to react but eventually got going and turned into the apartment complex I can only hope that they made it into their apartment before anything more intimate took place. I still haven't fully recovered and I may be scarred for life. Only time well tell. Either way it ruined my catch-up session with my sister.

*Editors Note: now if any of you partake in such activity more power to ya, but please keep it to 2 lane roads and night time to insure yu don't scar any other drivers or passengers:)


  1. What? Q and I do that all the time. ;) That is sick and wrong. Seriously!? Ridiculous. That would have ruined my day! I left you an award!

  2. hahahahahahah..OMG thats hilarious! What a wierd moment for you!

  3. Oh let me just tell you that definitely changed my outlook on the day;) At least I had a funny story to tell.

  4. haaaaaaaaa!!! See now, I would've pulled out my video camera. I applaud you for not doing that.
